Thursday, February 10, 2011

San Diego Daddies of PreSchoolers

Welcome to my new blog! This blog and the motivation that inspires it, is fueled by my love for God and my desire to enjoy every moment on earth with the loving family that HE has blessed me with.

I affectionately nicknamed  this "DOPs" because my wife is a member of "MOPs" (Mothers of Preschoolers) and I wanted something for Daddies :)

Each and every weekend, I look for fun things for our family to do. In my family, Saturday is designated as "Family Day". But like most families, both my wife and I work, so often times my daughter and I have a weekend where it's just the two of us. When I would search online for fun things for the two of us to do, I noticed there were many websites that were more geared toward mothers. So I thought to myself, "wouldn't it be cool if there was a site geared towards dads who were looking for something fun to do?"  I could do that!

So my goal for this blog is to each and every week, share upcoming events in the San Diego county and local southern California area, that provide great family fun for Daddies and the kids or even the whole family. I will also follow up the events that I am able to attend with a quick little review, so that if you miss an event, you can at least see what there is to expect for the next time it comes around.

Quality time with your kids is very important. And there are MANY ways to spend that time, without having to spend all your money. I hope you all enjoy this new adventure.